Curious About The Inner Workings Of Our Shop?
We are firm believers that a clean, organized shop which houses quality equipment equates to efficiency and results in a better product.
Here is just some of the equipment we use to deliver a Mission Motorwerks engine.

Valve Grinder - Kwik Way SVS

Head and Block Surfacer - Winona Van Norman SM2000 w/ CBN and PCD Conversion

Seat and Guide Machine - Tobin Arp VGS-20000

Carbide Seat Cutting System - Neway

Head and Block Pressure Tester - MTE / CCP PT-38

Lathe - Clausing 5914 12 x 36" w/ Vari-Speed Drive

Mill - Sharp LMV-50 w/ Acu-Rite DRO

Valve Guide Hone Tank - Graymills HK150

Air Compressor - Saylor Beall VT-735-80

Granite Surface Plate - Starrett Superior Black Grade AA 24 x 36 x 6"

Abrasive Blast Cabinet - Econoline Siphon 2' x 3'

40 HP Rotary Phase Converter - North America Phase Converter Co. PL-40